Being "stressed out" is an all too frequent phenomenon these days. Whom do you know, yourself included, who doesn't go through some serious times of stress every now and then?
It is important to deal wisely with a stressful situation, and nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Should you have a hard time dealing with your stress and it doesn't let up, it is advisable to learn stress management techniques. It may even be necessary to remove the source of the stress, if that is possible. You might consider, for instance, a transfer to another department, or a change in position. Otherwise, do seek out professional or spiritual help to get you through it.
Doing everything you can in order to avoid prolonged stress is very important for your health and wellbeing. If stress is not dealt with, it will become chronic.
Prolonged stress affects all your major organs and cells. It can lead to physical and/or psychological ailments. Some of the most prevalent consequences of prolonged stress are:
· Physical disorders
These can be anything from increased heartbeat, nervous ticks, to pain in the neck or lower back.
· Anxiety or depression
Either one of these problems intensify the prolonged stress even further. They can make you sad and dysfunctional at the same time. This, in turn, will alienate you further from family and career.
· Heart disease
All that prolonged stress and its consequences put an enormous burden on the heart. Severe, sudden and prolonged stress can cause blockages in the arteries and trigger a heart attack.
· Angina
Prolonged mental and physical stress can trigger unstable angina. This severe chest pain is caused by lack of oxygen reaching the heart. In turn, it also puts you at a higher risk for a heart attack.
· High blood pressure.
High blood pressure can lead to strokes. This will necessitate medication to lower the blood pressure, leading to further health problems down the road.
· Immune system dysfunction
Prolonged stress negatively affects the immune system. This makes you vulnerable to frequent colds and more prone to other sicknesses.
· Digestive problems
The large intestine is most affected by prolonged stress. The results of this can be in the form of diarrhea, constipation or bloating.
· Diet problems.
Chronic stress can turn food into either friend or foe. Either there is no appetite at all, or comfort is sought in excess food (usually junk food), sweets and/or alcohol. This can also trigger eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia.
· Diabetes
This debilitating disease can also develop as a result of prolonged stress, exacerbated by excess sweets and alcohol.
· Arthritis
Prolonged stress produces a high level of acidity in the body. This opens the door for painful arthritis.
· Sleep disorders
Prolonged anxiety and stress cause extreme fatigue. Yet the constant tension prohibits sleep. Often sleeping pills, alcohol or illicit drugs are resorted to, only to lead to further negative consequences.
This is not a happy prospect, is it? However, it is so important to be aware of the consequences of prolonged stress. Knowledge is power. It is good to know there IS a powerful nutritional solution to reduce stress, promote rest, and restore cell damage.
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