Your skin is tired from cold winter days, strong winds and heavy frosts. You should spoil your winter-pale and atonic skin. What can be used for it? Cabbage! Both fresh and sauerkraut. Ancient Greeks used leaves and juice of fresh cabbage for treatment of wounds, abscesses or burns. Nowadays cabbage is used like a mask for any types of skin. Cabbage cleans, whitens, freshens up, nourishes skin, and makes it velvet and soft.
Mask for normal skin. Cut 3,5oz fresh cabbage into small pieces and put on the face. Put a napkin above the mask and keep for 25-30 minutes. Then take the mask away and wash with cold water.
Masks for dry skin. Take 3,5 oz sliced cabbage and add 1 tablespoon of warm almond-oil. Mix everything and put on the face. Keep for 20 minutes then wash with cool water.
Boil some leaves of fresh cabbage in the milk. Pound them and put on the face and neck for 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
Anti-aging mask. Pound 3,5 oz fresh cabbage or sauerkraut and add ¼ glass of apple juice and 1 teaspoon of almond-oil. Put the mask on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water.
Mask for sensitive skin. Pound 1,8 oz fresh cabbage and pound 3 teaspoons of curds with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Then mix 1 teaspoon of honey with ½ glass of boiled water. Mix all components carefully. Put the mask on the face for 12-15 minutes and then wash with warm water. Then make a light massage of the face.
Mask for greasy skin. Mix pounded fresh cabbage with one egg-white and put on the face and neck. Keep for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
Mix 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut juice, 1 egg-white and 1 tablespoon of wheat flour. Put the mask on the face and keep for 30 minutes. Then wash with warm water.
In 10-15 minutes before washing, clean the face with juice of sauerkraut.
Mask for skin covered with blackheads. Chop 1,8 oz fresh cabbage, then mix juice of half a lemon with 1 teaspoon of 5% hydrogen peroxide and add to cabbage. Mix everything carefully. Add 1 teaspoon of viburnum juice to mixture. Put the mask on the face and keep for 5-7 minutes. You can make this mask twice a week.
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