Dear Daughters and Sons,
Hello! Do you remember me?I'm your Heavenly Father.Why haven't I heard from you for so long?I miss you so much when you don't contact me daily.I don't believe you will ever fully realize how much I love you. (John 3:16)You know I chose you when I planned creation don't you? (Ephesians 1:11-12) I also made you in my image (Genesis 1:27). Trust me I keep close track of your activities (Psalm 139:3).Here's a good way I can explain my love for you;my thoughts of you are as countless as the sand on the seashore. (Psalm 139:17-18).
I am love (1 John 4:16) and the greatest commandment that I have for you is that you love also (Matthew 22:37-40). My love is made complete when you receive my love for you and then love others as well as me and my Son just as we have loved you (1 John 4:7-21).Your love needs to be so great that it will overwhelm and emotionally disable your enemies both domestic and foreign (Matthew 5:44). To show you how to live a life of love and loyalty I've given you my Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17).
I know that you have sinned by breaking my laws (1 John 1:8).You must realize that you have hurt others and you have also hurt yourself by doing this(Romans 2:9). I consider your sins to be a personal attack against me (Psalm 51:4). Why have you hurt me (Luke 19:41) and angered me in this way (Romans 2:8). I am your Lord (Exodus 6:2), the King of Kings (1 Timothy 6:15), and your Righteous Judge (1 Peter 4:5).Don't you realize the meaning of that?I must warn you that it's a terrible thing to come under my judgment (Hebrews 10:31). To fear me will be the beginning of your wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). But you do not need to remain afraid of me because I am your compassionate and gracious Father, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness for you.(Exodus 34:6). By getting to know my perfect love you will find that your fear will be removed (1 John 4:18)
I have come to you through my Son Jesus, not to Lord my authority and power over you, but to serve you. (John 13:13-14)Yes to serve you. I have loved you from the beginning, long before you loved me. (1 John 4:19). I sent my son Jesus, the exact representation of my being (Hebrews 1:3), to die in your place because of your sins (Romans 5:8), to take upon Himself the punishment that you deserved (Isaiah 53:5).My children dwell upon that thought and internalize it in your consciousness.
Now I have come again to knock on the door of your heart, waiting for you to let me in (Revelation 3:20). When you give your faith,trust and loyalty to my Son Jesus I will forgive you for your sins (Acts 10:43) and I promise you,I will not remember them anymore (Isaiah 43:25).
I want so much to adopt you into my family (Ephesians 1:5) and lavish upon you my fatherly love forever(1John 3:1).You will not continue to ignore me will you? Respond to me now!I love you so much!PLEASE BELIEVE ME.Come to me so that I can fellowship with you.Please do not withhold your affection from me any longer.I will send my Holy Spirit to you to turn you into a brand new person (2 Corinthians 5:17) and give you a new life filled with my righteousness(Romans 6:4). I will send you true purity of both thought and deeds through my Holy Spirit as a gift. Just ask me for it and then start living a life of morality and discipline. Your body will become a temple for my Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and I will turn you into a saint. (Ephesians 1:18).
I want to make your righteousness shine like my beautiful dawns (Psalm 37:6). I have called you out and I will be faithful to give you all the help you will need to live a holy life(1 Thessalonians 5:24). So when you are tempted to sin,think of my ways and then look for the way out of your corruption that I will provide for you.(1 Corinthians 10:13).When you fail remember that I am waiting for you with open arms;I will always be quick to forgive you and to give you another chance to live a moral and pure life following the teachings of my Son Jesus(Luke 15:11-31).
I want nothing more than to give you the moral desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) and to do more for you than you can imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Whatever you need, look to me and I will provide for you within my teachings(Philippians 4:19). TRUST ME ON THIS!I will give you love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of my Spirit, in order to fill your soul so you can share my gifts with others (Galatians 5:22-23).
Since I think about you forever never worry about getting your needs met. (Matthew 6:25-34). Turn over your problems to me and I will comfort you (Matthew 11:28). I want to send you my Holy Spirit to be your Comforter and Counselor (John 14-16).Then you won't walk alone any more (Galatians 5:25) I will direct all your paths (Proverbs 3:4-5) Do you understand this?I want to bless you with all my spiritual power (Ephesians 1:3). Please always remember that as my child you will be safe in my hands and arms (John 10:28). I want to be your refuge (Psalm 9:9). I am like a mother bird who covers her young ones with feathers in a nest (Psalm 91:1-4).
When you pass through rivers of difficulty you will not be swept away. When you walk through fiery trials you will not be burned,I WILL BE WITH YOU TO PROTECT YOU!(Isaiah 43:2). So when you must walk through the valley of the shadow of death never become afraid because I am with you, comforting and protecting you (Psalm 23:4). TRUST ME ON THIS!! I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).Are you now beginning to understand just how much I love you?My love for you will never cease throughout all of eternity! When you are brokenhearted I will draw close to you (Psalm 34:18).But you need to come to me and ask for my help.Then I will cry with you (John 11:35).
Like a shepherd holding his lamb, I will always carry you close to my heart if you ask me to do so(Isaiah 40:11). I will collect all your tears in my bottle and record each one in my holy book (Psalm 56:8). I always want to comfort you in your times of mourning (Matthew 5:4).Come to me so that I can turn your mourning into gladness (Jeremiah 31:13) and put a new song in your heart.(Psalm 40:3). When enemies come against you I will fight for you (Psalm 44:7). Even when you do what is right people will insult you, criticize you, and mistreat you, but do not despair,I will bless you (Matthew 5:11). Even when you trust your father and mother they may forsake you, but I will receive you then(Psalm 27:10). If you find yourself poor remember that I have blessed you with true riches (Luke 6:20). If you find yourself last in line remember that with me those who are last will be first (Matthew 20:16).Oh how I wish the leaders of your nation would finally understand my ways.
Always remember that I am for you and not against you! (Romans 8:31) I know that I have been misrepresented to you by seemingly religious people who claim to know me but they never have. (John 8:41-44) Trust me,I will cast away these hypocrites (Matthew 23). When your earthly father disappoints you, just remember that I offer you more than he ever could (Matthew 7:9-11). I will be the perfect Father for you (Matthew 5:48), the Father from whom all true fatherhood comes (Ephesians 3:15).I love to give you the blessed gifts from my Holy Spirit(Matthew 7:11).
With me on your side your future is bright and full of hope! My plans are to prosper you and never to harm you (Jeremiah 29:11).
Even hardships, as painful as they may be, can be for your good because they are opportunities for you to become more righteousness (Hebrews 12; 6-11). Always remember that when you love me and seek my purposes that all things will work together for your good (Romans 8:28). You will see that happen if you remain faithful.But always remember that I have given you gifts so that you can serve me (Matthew 25:14-23). I want to make you truly great in my kingdom (Psalm 18:35). Discover what your gifts are and then use them to help others (Romans 12:4-8) because I have important work for you to do; work that I will help you accomplish (Haggai 2:4). Together we can accomplish great dreams (Mark 10:27) and even move mountains of tremendous difficulties (Matthew 17:20).
Never forget this, you are my everlasting beloved children! (1 John 3:1) You will always be precious and honored in my sight (Isaiah 43:4).In fact do you know that I actually rejoice over you by singing! (Zephaniah 3:17).Yes it is true. I will always love you (Jeremiah 31:3) and there is nothing that can ever separate you from my love (Romans 8:38-39). PLEASE BELIEVE ME IN THIS!It is so important to me that you NEVER forget this.Will you honor my request?
One day soon I will wipe away your tears and take away your pain forever(Revelation 21:3-4) and reward you for all the good that you have done in my name and in the name of my Son Jesus(Revelation 22:12). Then we will be together forever in the heavenly home that I have prepared for you (John 14:2). I know that it is more beautiful and more wonderful than you can ever imagine (Revelation 21:10-27).I have created it to be so.
P.S. When it's hard for you to trust my words and to fully receive my love into your heart then work through this problem with one of my ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) and become involved in a caring Christian community where you can grow into my love (Romans 12:5).OH HOW I LONG WITH ALL MY HEART AND SPIRIT FOR YOU TO DO THAT!PLEASE COME TO ME NOW!!
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