For many tax filers, this tax season may be unlike any other.
If you've lost your job, are searching for a new one or attempting to strike out on your own, your tax return may be affected. The same is true if you are collecting unemployment, lost your home in foreclosure or tapped your retirement accounts early.
These tough financial times, in fact, are raising so many, and so varied, tax-related questions that the Internal Revenue Service has set up a special section on its Web site addressing them: What if I lose my job? What if I can't pay my taxes? What if my income declines?
The answers to these questions could change your usual strategy, which is why many of you need to take extra care when doing your taxes this year. And if there's any silver lining to earning less money, it may be that you're more likely to qualify for the many tax breaks that come with limits on how much you can earn to claim them.
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