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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Arrival at Pearson International Airport Canada- March 10, 2008

Arrival to Canada is nonetheless both an exciting and stressful experience for newcomers.
Upon arrival at an airport, every newcomer is interviewed by a Canada Customs Officer. The officer requests documentation gathered by the immigrant prior to departing his or her home country, including an immigrant visa. Applicants are required to provide the officer with a list of all household items they have brought with them. Each applicant is then directed to an Immigration Officer to begin the next phase of the process. The Immigration Officer double-checks the immigrant’s documentation, including required visas, and asks a series of questions much like those asked on the Canadian immigration application. Once the interview is successfully completed, the officer grants authorization for permanent residency and signs the immigrant’s Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence. Though distribution is not consistent, at this point many newcomers also receive the booklet Welcome to Canada: What You Should Know.

At the airport my wife was waiting for me and my sister in law.

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